WIC Peer Counselors

WIC Peer Counselors are mothers within our communities who have breastfed their own babies in the past, and are available to provide information and support to moms just like you! Our Peer Counselors offer basic breastfeeding information such as how to get your baby to latch and how to breastfeed comfortably (even in public settings), helpful tips, and overall encouragement and support for mothers who may feel like they are struggling or just want extra advice.

WIC Peer Counselors are available during pregnancy and after the birth of your baby. Upon request, Counselors can make hospital visits to moms who are looking for support following the birth of their child.

Counselors are available 24/7 within both St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties.

Breastfeeding Along the Border with WIC

Looking for 24/7 breastfeeding support? Our Breastfeeding Along the Border with WIC Facebook page is dedicated to all things breastfeeding. Interact with other breastfeeding moms just like you, as well as our Breastfeeding Peer Counselors who are also moms. Ask questions, share experiences and ideas/tips, and have fun supporting fellow moms!

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. For a copy of the USDA Nondiscrimination Statement and NYS WIC Complaint Information, please click here.

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Alison Kern

Alison Kern

St. Lawrence County

Call or Text
(315) 771-2759
(315) 804-1724